One dude you most probably will meet at Unstad is Anker Frantzen. The 18-year-old is basically born and raised in the little bay so many people want to visit. You’ll notice Anker because he’s not like every other teenage kid. He always keeps the stoke high in the lineup and is more than happy to have a chat. Being the son of Tommy Olsen and Marion Frantzen, owners at Unstad Arctic Surf, Anker had to try surfing. And now he’s done a pretty radical move to get to surf as much as possible.
Surfers of Lofoten is presented by DNB, co-sponsored by, Arctic Coworking Lodge, Asenne, Sugar Daddies Co and Unstad Arctic Surf and produced by Birkelund Media and Surfnorge.
Anker Olsen Frantzen
Henning Kvisberglien